Parenting Continuum

The Parenting Continuum is a community alliance whose mission is to empower parents to nurture the whole child and the whole family. Our organization focuses on providing parenting education and resources to parents of children in grades K – 12. The Parenting Continuum is a partnership consisting of volunteer parents from Los Gatos High School, Los Gatos Union School District, CASSY (Counseling and Support Services for Youth), and CASA (Community Against Substance Abuse). The Parenting Continuum also partners with Saratoga High School’s PTSO (Parent Teacher Student Organization) by promoting and attending each other’s events.
We are a group of volunteer parents who care and who want to bring awareness and education to help meet the challenges of parenting. We want to learn about the struggles our children face as they move through the school years and into young adulthood. We do this by talking with parents, with our school administrators, and with CASSY, to find out what these common struggles are and to insure the topics our speakers address support Project Cornerstone 41 Developmental Assets.
We then bring parents together in a presentation forum with professionals who are experts in their field. They share their valuable knowledge with us in areas such as family communication, substance use, and stress reduction. We also offer a class series that help Junior parents navigate the college application process, and another class series where parents learn and practice the art of communication. By having free access to these presentations and affordable class series, parents find companionship in this parenting journey. We are then better equipped to make those choices that support our children in becoming healthy and happy human beings who then become contributing members in their families and in their community.
Every year we have an amazing series of nationally known speakers, which we highly recommend for an inspirational night out!
All events are free thanks to your H&SC donations. For planning purposes, we ask you to sign up via our sign-up genius links.
For a number of speakers we will upload videos of the lecture on our website afterwards! So, if life gets too busy for you, take your time when you can and watch the lecture when you can!
To view some past speakers, click here.
To browse the website, click here.
We are a group of volunteer parents who care and who want to bring awareness and education to help meet the challenges of parenting. We want to learn about the struggles our children face as they move through the school years and into young adulthood. We do this by talking with parents, with our school administrators, and with CASSY, to find out what these common struggles are and to insure the topics our speakers address support Project Cornerstone 41 Developmental Assets.
We then bring parents together in a presentation forum with professionals who are experts in their field. They share their valuable knowledge with us in areas such as family communication, substance use, and stress reduction. We also offer a class series that help Junior parents navigate the college application process, and another class series where parents learn and practice the art of communication. By having free access to these presentations and affordable class series, parents find companionship in this parenting journey. We are then better equipped to make those choices that support our children in becoming healthy and happy human beings who then become contributing members in their families and in their community.
Every year we have an amazing series of nationally known speakers, which we highly recommend for an inspirational night out!
All events are free thanks to your H&SC donations. For planning purposes, we ask you to sign up via our sign-up genius links.
For a number of speakers we will upload videos of the lecture on our website afterwards! So, if life gets too busy for you, take your time when you can and watch the lecture when you can!
To view some past speakers, click here.
To browse the website, click here.